“飞人”博尔特引发热议《中国日报》: 要来北京市看冬季奥运会,这也是要我洗心革面的地区!

“飞人”博尔特引发热议《中国日报》: 要来北京市看冬季奥运会,这也是要我洗心革面的地区! 前言

在北京冬奥会揭幕之时,牙买加田径运动员、八枚奥运会金牌获奖者尤亡灵战神·博尔特(Usain Bolt)在《中国日报》引发热议,表述了他的希望与祝愿。他追忆了2008北京奥运对自身人生道路的更改,及其冰雪项目对牙买加的实际意义。他写到:“我真是艳羡这些能于北京感受到这类激情的选手们。我祝她们万事大吉。”

Coming from Jamaica, I have no experience in winter sports. I don't like cold weather, I prefer the sun.


Besides track, the only other sport I really played was cricket and some football. The Winter Olympics usually escape my attention. But I do want to see the Olympics in Beijing next month.


Beijing is where everything changed for me. I can remember the details of all of my big races. Beijing will always be a special memory. It is where it all started. Those Olympics in 2008 changed my life in less than 30 seconds. The crowd and the energy in the Bird's Nest, the Olympic Stadium in 2008, was brilliant.


I don't know yet how many Jamaicans will be competing in Beijing next month. But I do know how they will feel. There is nothing like walking into the Olympic stadium and feeling that energy of the crowd.


Many years ago, the Jamaican bobsleigh team was made famous by the "Cool Runnings" movie. It inspired many. At the last Winter Olympics we had our first women's bobsleigh team. I loved that they named their bobsled "Mr Cool Bolt".


I had really hoped that fans from around the world could attend the 2022 Winter Games.


